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| He tūtakinga (A meeting) |
| I te ara (In the morning) |
| Te huarere (The weather) |
| Te hāereere (Travel) |
| Te tangata (A person) |
| Te kai (Food) |
| Te whānau (The family) |
| Te pōwhiri (The welcome ceremony) |
| Te tohutohu (Directions) |
| Te purei kāri (Playing cards) |
| I te mutunga wiki (The weekend) |
| Kākahu (Clothing) |
| I te pāparakāuta (At the bar) |
| Te piki maunga (Climbing the mountain) |
| Te mihi ki te tangata (Saying thanks) |
| Te whare wānanga (University) |
| Te horoi kākahu (Washing clothes) |
| He kupu whakarite (Metaphors) |
| He kupu whakatepe īmēra (Emailing) |